Saturday, November 28, 2009

Long Weekend

I don't have anything exciting to do over the looong weekend (25th-28th Dec). Woogs and I are mostly in this together and we need to plan something fun FAST. Aats is also likely to join us. Maybe even CrazyV and a couple others. Well, we tried booking tickets and acco in Pondi, Coorg and some other places like a month back but every inexpensive place is booked out :( In this condition of despondency, the two of us came up with a mall-hopping plan. Erm, well, it's basically combining what both of us like- her: travel and "funky" things, me: shopping :) But we can't possibly do this for FOUR days. This long weekend is PERFECT to go somewhere nearby and I've never been out of Bangalore on a weekend trip :(

While typing this post, a brilliant idea struck me. I love you, blog :) I shall now wait and watch if this plan works out. Wheeeee.

1 comment:

Abhu said...

erm... did it ever occur to u dat Manipal cud also be a nice get away?? :P :P Miss u silly gurl!!