Friday, July 30, 2010

Not good any more :(

Thinking about absolutely annoying and mean things from the past and wallowing in misery. Nevermind. One's any way gotta live life alone. Just getting used to it. So yes, need a constant reminder that no one loves you more than your own self and that trusting implicitly is not something you can/should do. You have to know that you are worth so much more and therefore make it to that eventually :) I'm glad that I started out while writing this feeling totally unhappy and the end is relatively positive because you've got to come to terms with facts! No matter what explanations you're given, they're still just that at the end of the day. Explanations. Obviously not good enough, but you can try to convince yourself that you're wrong and that those explanations work. But well, it never gets sorted out, not because there's some insufficiency in those explanations, but because it ever happened. No way out of that, now is there? Pretty sad. Clearly back to being negative. Nevermind.

My tax paper is not exactly going places thanks to these stupid things that happen in my life. Though I really shouldn't be cribbing about my life :) It is pretty great and I'm so grateful that I have this insane capacity to be happy with absolutely no external input at all. Thank god for that :)

Still Better

... worked out today after months. Feels divine :)

Getting Better

I've got to admit it's getting better, a little better all the time :)

Monday, July 26, 2010

Not good

I have fever and I get dust allergy everyday now due to the high concentration of pollen in Bangalore air these days :( I am also supposed to go out for a heavy, north Indian lunch to Ada Hind Ki tomorrow. Which I don't think I'll be able to make it for. Let's see. On the brighter side, I don't have taxing classes tomorrow, so I'm hoping to get some rest in class only. Life's not good when the weather is all sucky and health is also sucky :(

Among happy things- I watched Inception. I also re-watched Aladdin. What a cute movie. But nothing can fill the void in my life left by OTH :( I shall soon be getting S6 and 7 form Purple who is currently in the process of downloading them. Whee! I just know that I'd have been better by now if I could've ODed on OTH. I just know it.

First time ever in law school that I've felt like going home to mommy for a weekend.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Movie Update

Watching Garden State right now. Getting bored. Partly because for 3/4th of the movie I was multitasking full on. So, hee, I kind of wasn't paying attention. Still, it should've been gripping enough to make me pay attention.

Watched this brilliant movie called The Lives of Others (German movie with English subtitles) yesterday. Recommended!

I now want to re-watch Kung Fu Panda after this gets over. My all time pick-me-up movie is Legally Blonde though. I've watched it several times in the past month so must diversify :)

I'm also on the look-out for fun movies.

Have a nice day!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Whirlwind of a week

The past week was loaded with classes from 10-6 everyday and tons of stuff thereafter. Which explains my general tendency now to doze off for a couple of hours and not even realize it. Two weeks back, I thought I had all the time in the world to chill and laze around and generally float around. However, NOT the case now. Now is the time help first years and help yourself with projects and suchlike. On the brighter side of the events-from-the-week-past, we had our Bombay Dinner at Casa Piccola! I love Casa for its heavenly Chicken Parmigiana. That's all I ever order over there. I'm told the rest of it is kind of sucky- predominant reason why nobody ever agrees to go there except the devout consumers of Chicken Parmigiana- but the Parmigiana really is crisp and yummy and cheesy and all things nice. I also found out at that dinner that two juniors were from my school- fantastic, innit?! Fish discovered this place on Churchstreet where they have cool merchandise of a lot of rock bands *mental note to self: visit said place*. This probably the appropriate time to give due credit to Aats who actually found said place as opposed to Fish who just- well- went there.

Moving on to more interesting things. I Hate Luv Stories is probably the lamest movie of recent times- though it is terribly entertaining in a laugh-at way when viewed with bunch of unruly friends in almost empty theater (the manner in which it was witnessed by myself and therefore enjoyed). Which is why I fail to understand the millions of people who actually LIKED it. Some reverse psychology of sorts I suppose? Anyway, god help them.

I want to watch Inception.

That's it.


Oh I now realize that I'd already written about- rather slimed- I Hate Luv Stories. This is show what an indelible impact it has left on me. I can't get over it.

Friday, July 9, 2010

I Hate Luv Storys: Laugh-at funny

The worst movie I've seen in a very, very long time. Delhi 6 is better (when you disregard music, and I say this because Delhi 6's music was it's redeeming factor, while I Hate Luv Storys has none). Having said that, it's a brilliant movie to laugh at :) Paisa vasool, that way. Fish and I went with the girls (Aats and Woogs) after their, *ahem* respective rendezvous with their respective possible-future-paramours (or not, but I'm rooting for them, hee) (this is why this blog needs to be censored heavily :( ) and had a heck of a time laughing non-stop. After intermission, we even moved ahead and sat in one of the first few rows because there was nobody around there and laughed even more. Highly unruly behaviour such movies cause us to exhibit.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

New Template, inter alia

I thought this would be an apt template given my life, at least for the next two years, is book(s?) ridden and all I talk about on this blog is mundane things from my life. I was also planning on shifting this blog to a more anonymous locale simply because I'd be free to mudsling without fear of being caught (i.e. talk about not so mundane things- in fact, far more interesting things), buahahaha. Might happen. Obviously I'm not going to tell if that does happen. The silver lining to my habitual prolonged absence is that nobody would miss me if I do vanish and start blogging elsewhere because I any way vanish for no good reason. Not like anybody stalks this blog :( but well, in all fairness, it had vanished from the autosaved links on my very own browser as well. Gah, I've abandoned my flippant dreams of earning pots of money from this super successful blog and never having to do any work work. In fact, this blog is now so very deserted, I think it's safe to generally go back to being mean- the way Pot of Thoughts started out as- without a worry. People like mother must be shooed off soon. Persistent stalker she is.

P.S.: This routine of vanishing and re-appearing for one odd post and then vanishing again has done wonders for the "Blog" label. This blog has never before received this much attention on this blog.