Thursday, July 8, 2010

New Template, inter alia

I thought this would be an apt template given my life, at least for the next two years, is book(s?) ridden and all I talk about on this blog is mundane things from my life. I was also planning on shifting this blog to a more anonymous locale simply because I'd be free to mudsling without fear of being caught (i.e. talk about not so mundane things- in fact, far more interesting things), buahahaha. Might happen. Obviously I'm not going to tell if that does happen. The silver lining to my habitual prolonged absence is that nobody would miss me if I do vanish and start blogging elsewhere because I any way vanish for no good reason. Not like anybody stalks this blog :( but well, in all fairness, it had vanished from the autosaved links on my very own browser as well. Gah, I've abandoned my flippant dreams of earning pots of money from this super successful blog and never having to do any work work. In fact, this blog is now so very deserted, I think it's safe to generally go back to being mean- the way Pot of Thoughts started out as- without a worry. People like mother must be shooed off soon. Persistent stalker she is.

P.S.: This routine of vanishing and re-appearing for one odd post and then vanishing again has done wonders for the "Blog" label. This blog has never before received this much attention on this blog.


Sojourner said...

Its not like you don't know, there is a 'stalking made easy' and 'you can be a stalker too' range of tools available... they are called 'subscriptions'.. They make a stalker out of everyone... One fine day, when you least expected it, you get an alert to go see your stalkee and you have to oblige... gross huh? :)

if(if) you do vanish, 'Adios Amiga'...

Sneha said...

i had completely forgotten about this precious tool. rather, i assumed nobody would subscribe to my blog feed, you know. glad to know one person has! :) :) and i am making a conscious and rather happy effort to stick around :D