Sunday, January 24, 2010


All of us may not have a baby voice, but some of us do. It comes most handy while tyring to get something out of people (especially when you sense that it's not something they'd yield to ordinarily), while apologizing (it takes a very hard heart to resist the force of Ze Babyness), while making a ridiculous point which cannot be made in adultspeak but is extremely important in that conversation (Illustration: when your argument primarily is that you think so and therefore it's so). Clearly, adultspeak cannot achieve these miraculous outcomes and therefore the importance of babyness must not be dwarfed. It shouldn't be expected of us (the illuminated ones who use this weapon often) to form a secret society to bond over our style of babyness. In fact, the fact whether one knows about your babyness or not is an indicator of how well they know you/ how well you've let them know you. So, why be adult when you can be baby?


Sojourner said...

oh... I am already on to you people... secret society be damned :)

Spaz Kumari said...

see, you also have size on your side. You cannot pull off a baby voice when you're built like the Jolly Green Giant. my friends would take my temperature if i unleashed teh cutenezz. :P

also, for the life of me i cannot figure out how to generate this 'baby voice'.

Tejal said...


Vatsala said...

Haha, LOVE this post :D :D