Saturday, January 9, 2010

Music and Productivity

I tend to be one of those who cannot for the life of her decide which band would have the distinction of being her "favourite". Neither can I listen to a particular band for weeks on end. I also cannot keep listening to new music because I simply cannot appreciate most music until I listen to it repeatedly, on loop, google the band, read about them and so on (not that my memory is very fond of retaining most of what I read). This process usually spans over a few days to a month or so- largely decided by the degree of my enchantment with the band. My current obsession is Death Cab for Cutie but I haven't been able to explore much of their music because of lack of access to well, most of their music. That's on my to-do list though, procuring their music. I think the most productive phases of my life have been those when I was constantly listening to new music. One possible explanation could be that it puts one's mind in motion and therefore it generally becomes more receptive and therefore, quicker and there more productive...?

Anyway, I also badly need to do an update on places to eat in Bangalore. NEED to update that tag. I've been to a couple of places since the last time I wrote on the subject.

Also, to spice things up- I shall bring to you the juciest details of recent exhibitions of Woogs' eccentricity. It's fascinating.... Next post.

1 comment:

Aathira said...

Still waiting for woogs post!