Thursday, July 23, 2009

Dinner Table Conversation and Other Ploys Employed By Woogs To Grab Attention

Picture this. Nine 20 year olds or thereabouts huddled around a table in the mess musing at the shockingly yum paneer and taking each other's trip. Please note, this congregation includes the very freaky Woogs, the Aats, the Fish, Her Craziness CrazyV, ze Pengy and obviously BO. While these unsuspecting creatures may think BO is a benign observor of the comic tales Woogs oft offers at such gatherings, she was taking in minute details, only to reproduce them on these hallowed pages, Privileged Reader.

Amidst laughter and giggles....
Woogs tries to engage her audience in what she thought would be an interesting story to hear (heh)...
Woogs: starts saying something about a dream she had last night. Speech is interspersed with giggles.
No body is listening...
Aaa-ditty solicits extra cheese from people...
Fish: Nobody wants to listen to your story, Woogs... (laughs in head, I'm sure)
Woogs: NO they ASKED for it. I shall tell story. SO. I'm standing in the middle of Nags with Fish and Pengy. Suddenly, a car stops and Mr. Pengy steps out all suited up (BO comment: Suit up in Barney style!) and asks Pengy to get dressed in 5 if she wants to go out with him to this dinner thing. Pengy obviously ditches Fish and me-
Pengy gurgles...
Fish: Haww would you do that?!
Pengy: (shamelessly) Of course!
Woogs: (regaining the lost attention of the audience (mentally curses Fish for diverting attenting away from her for a second), I'm sure)) OK. SO. Pengy is gone. Then Fish says "SLR work" and runs away and I'm left alllll alone in the middle of Nags, right in front of the ATM machine.... all alone... (fake sob)
At this point people start asking clarifications about the last bit because most didn't grasp the end....
Aats: Guys, BASICALLY this is a sob story of how everyoe deserted Woogs and ran off. hahaha
Woogs: (tries to put on pathetic looks of cuteness which do NOT work)
Rest of the girls zone out (or have already zoned out)

Post dinner, Woogs tries another one of her secret weapons of grabbing attention. So we're standing in front of the mess when she asks me to "identify the tune that she's whistling". At this point Aats and I starting guffawing. Consequently, the Woogs whistle was, urm, terminated. Rather automatically. At which point all of us started guffawing. However, ultimately Woogs did manage to be the centre of attention once again (and NOT for a Rakhi reason for once) when she did the cat call thing to CrazyV. It was truly, truly hilarious.


Shreya said...

I love this post! :)

megha said...

hey I'm 19!
ps :P

Sojourner said...

hey here!
among other things, nice template selection. I like these cleverly placed ballooney/bubbly things.

unfortunately or may be fortunately, the only mess hall I know is from my forsaken college days... this scene enacted in that wretched place makes the memory bearable :) wifi and good food (what do astrologically inclined people do about evil eye??)

I guess I must say thanks :)

Sneha said...

sojo! i love this template as well, except the font is HUGE. but the turquoise blue makes up for it. plus i'm too lazy to change it AGAIN.

mess days are fun when you're not living them!!