Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sunday Blah

It's only been a week but it seems like a month has passed by since we returned to law school. To-do lists have been made, to-do-listing notepad has been purchased (last trimester) (much to Fish's disapproval) and some plans for the term seem to be in place. It almost feels like a mound of work awaits me but the good part is that it's more or less the same for a lot of other people so we're in it together. Some entries in my to-do lists go like this: "think", "think and tell", "convince", "fruits". I don't know why I need to be prompted to "think".

Fish, Woogs, Purple and I went to this place called The Purple Cafe last night *sniggers* where Woogs presented many of her pearls of whackiness. I have not been granted permission to write about her very many neighbours who are nothing short of freaks of nature, just like herself (I suspect it's her who attracts freaks rather than it being a complete coincident), but I can tell you that she is rather inclined to start blogging herself and make her pearls of whackiness available to the general junta. Let's keep our fingers crossed *crosses fingers*

Until the next time I find something actually interesting to write about....

P.S.: Turns out, Gmail has this new feature "Tasks" which lets you make to-do lists and when you're done with a particular task on the list, when you check the little box on the side, that entry gets struck off. JUST what I do with my manual to-do lists! Google knows me.

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